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Chiropractic Care

Your brain is the master controller of your body, regulating every action all the way down to the cellular level. It does this by communicating with the body using the nervous system. This means that, in order for your body to move and function the way it was designed to, the communication pathways in the nervous system have to remain open.

Your nervous system is the most delicate structure of the body, the only part of the body that is surrounded by a hard suit of armour – your spine and skull. As chiropractors, our job is to ensure that your spine is properly aligned and moving so that your nervous system can function as designed and allow you to live your life to full capacity.

Our Unique Approach

We’re focused on YOU from the moment you arrive at our office. We take the time to listen and truly understand your concerns and situation, and we personalise your examination to delve into the underlying cause of your problem.

Your care recommendations in our centre, will always be based upon two things:

  1. Your objective test results
  2. Your health goals

We are committed to working with you to correcting underlying core problems of your spine and nervous system so that you can reach and even exceed your goals for your health.

We go beyond relief care to correct the structural issues that led to the problem in the first place. Most patients continue beyond this corrective phase and incorporate regular chiropractic maintenance care in their lives to protect their new level of health and performance and/or continue to optimise their health and performance.

Focusing solely on pain relief is like only looking at the tip of the iceberg and enables the problem to worsen beneath the surface over time. This unhealthy approach to health would be no different from taking a problematic car to the mechanic only for them to turn off the engine warning light and not fix anything.

Our approach is to get to the underlying source of the problem, so we can correct it and help you rebuild optimum health from the ground up.

Closeup of back adjustment

Who We Help

We have helped patients from minutes old to nearly 100 years of life and every age group in between. Conditions we help include:

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Chiropractic Care | (08) 8942 1920