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About NT Chiropractic Health & Wellness Centre

Living By Design

NT Chiropractic Health & Wellness Centre teamOur mission at NT Chiropractic Health & Wellness Centre is to empower individuals and families to live the way we were designed to through natural chiropractic care and education aimed at changing the popular mindset of “not dying” to “living a vibrant and fulfilling life.”

The conventional medical model of medication and surgery is focused on alleviating symptoms, without addressing the underlying source of the problem. Our approach relies on in-depth history taking and examination, including digital x-rays and cutting-edge computerised nerve testing co-developed by NASA called the INSiGHT® system to locate the cause of your pain or other symptoms. In other words, we don’t guess – we test. Then we customise care to suit your individual needs and goals, so you can reclaim the life you had lost, or may be currently losing, to pain or illness.

Choosing Darwin

Our founding chiropractor, Dr Greg Goggin, received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Macquarie University in Sydney in 2009.

In 2011, he opened our center with the goal of bringing corrective chiropractic care to Territorians. We pride ourselves on providing outstanding corrective chiropractic care to our community. Your nervous system controls every single cell, tissue, organ, gland, and system in your body. Ensuring that it operates properly, free of interference, is imperative. When it’s not functioning optimally, it may impact your life in ways you may not even be aware of. Our team’s sole focus is on identifying and correcting core problems of the spine and nervous system, allowing your body to fully express its health potential. By restoring this fundamental communication system, we help you achieve better overall health and an improved quality of life.

Book Today

We provide chiropractic care for individuals at every stage of life, from newborns to those enjoying their golden years. Tailoring our services to meet each person’s unique needs and goals, we support your journey toward a purposeful life. Contact us today to begin your path to better health.


About NT Chiropractic Health & Wellness Centre | (08) 8942 1920